Can I Get More Cleavage?
Cleavage refers to the visible space between a patient’s breasts, particularly when pushed together with a bra or swimsuit. Greater cleavage can be a sign of femininity and sensuality, or simply improve one’s fit in certain types of clothing or swimsuits. Cleavage often diminishes after events like pregnancy, menopause, and weight loss, which can make the breasts lose firmness and […]
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Over-the-Muscle vs. Under-the-Muscle Placement: Pros and Cons
The most ideal location for your implant is one of the many determinations you’ll make during the breast augmentation process. With every decision, there are pros and cons that should be carefully considered before you finalize your treatment plan. Dr. Garlick and our skilled team have briefly outlined the benefits and limitations usually associated with subglandular placement versus submuscular placement: […]
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