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Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Treatment)

Visible or overdeveloped breasts in men are more common than one may think. Characterized by excess male breast tissue, gynecomastia affects men from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. For individuals whose gynecomastia doesn’t resolve during puberty, the appearance of enlarged male breasts has been linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues, among other debilitating concerns. 

Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Garlick skillfully combines surgical and minimally invasive techniques during gynecomastia excision treatment to restore more masculine contours in the chest, helping ensure a discreet, long-term result.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a medically harmless condition indicated by enlarged, overdeveloped, or noticeable breast tissue in men, usually directly below the nipple and areolar region. In some cases of pseudogynecomastia, visible male breasts are only composed of excess fat in the subcutaneous plane of the chest. However, true gynecomastia consists of glandular (breast) tissue with or without fat, which cannot be improved with dieting and exercise alone. Though gynecomastia is often considered embarrassing or a source of insecurity, it is very commonly found in adult men — particularly athletes and bodybuilders. The exact cause of gynecomastia is unknown, but certain medications, steroids, and hormonal imbalances are thought to contribute to excess glandular tissue development in the chest. Dr. Garlick understands the difficulty and sensitivity of male patients living with overdeveloped breast tissue and prioritizes inconspicuous yet effective surgical results.

What Can Gynecomastia Surgery Improve?

Gynecomastia surgery can remove the excess breast tissue and fat causing the chest to look enlarged or overdeveloped. The procedure can also address puffy nipples and stretched, sagging areolas if necessary. Male breast reduction uniquely has the ability to unilaterally or bilaterally resculpt excess tissue in the chest, which offers a degree of precision and control that cannot be replicated with dieting and exercise alone. As a result, male patients enjoy a sleeker, smoother, and more aesthetically pleasing look in the chest, allowing the pectoral muscles to appear more defined and masculine.

Each patient’s surgical plan differs based on their anatomical needs and the severity of gynecomastia experienced, but our before-and-after photos can give you an excellent idea of the outcomes typical of male breast reduction. Dr. Garlick will show you photos of the results achieved by previous patients during your consultation to give you a deeper understanding of how gynecomastia surgery can improve your chest contours.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Right for Me?

Though gynecomastia cannot be corrected through natural remedies, gynecomastia surgery — often referred to as male breast reduction — can be a steadfast solution to correct enlarged male breasts. Signs that you may benefit from gynecomastia surgery include:

  • Excess volume in the chest or enlarged, puffy nipples
  • Self-consciousness about your appearance due to visible male breasts
  • The development of enlarged breasts as a result of bodybuilding, sports, etc. 
  • Avoidance of situations that require you to be shirtless, such as pools, locker rooms, etc.

In most cases, gynecomastia is treated by removing a combination of adipose (fatty) and glandular tissue, thereby flattening the chest and creating more masculine contours. You and Dr. Garlick will discuss surgery and determine the most optimal techniques to permanently resolve your gynecomastia during your consultation. 

How is Male Breast Reduction Performed?

To correct gynecomastia while retaining a natural-looking aesthetic, Dr. Garlick treats the chest as a whole. This may involve utilizing VASER® liposuction on the chest and sides to extract excess fat cells, and/or incorporating Renuvion® J-Plasma — a non-surgical treatment designed to tighten the skin using radiofrequency (RF) energy and helium plasma. In other cases, tissue is excised through a small access point below the nipple-areolar complexes, helping ensure little to no evidence of surgery. Techniques are often combined to attain the best possible outcome based on a patient’s anatomical indicators. Dr Garlick will go over the exact details of your unique treatment plan prior to the procedure. 

What Can I Expect During the Recovery Period After Male Breast Reduction?

After surgery, a compression garment will be placed around the chest to protect incisions, reduce swelling, and help facilitate your recovery. While swelling and bruising are normal, these reactions should subside naturally and with the assistance of over-the-counter pain medications, if needed. Most patients return to work after four to seven days, although more strenuous activity should be avoided until Dr. Garlick instructs otherwise — usually around the six week mark. Thanks to his diligent incision techniques, patients typically have virtually undetectable scars and little to no evidence of surgery. 

How Long Do Male Breast Reduction Results Last?

The results of male breast reduction are permanent. The excess tissue removed during the procedure does not come back, and men typically consider gynecomastia treatment a life-changing surgery to reclaim their confidence and self-esteem. That said, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are key to maximizing the outcome of male breast reduction. Weight gain after surgery can cause an accumulation of excess fat in regions that may reduce the integrity of your gynecomastia surgery results, so it’s essential to minimize fluctuations in weight as much as possible.

There are many simple measures patients can take to enhance the longevity and quality of their male breast reduction results. In general, our team recommends: 

  • Adhering to a nutritious and well-balanced diet
  • Incorporating regular exercise into your routine
  • Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle
  • Managing stress with yoga, meditation, sports, etc. to help avoid overeating and subsequent weight gain

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

The cost of male breast reduction in Utah is much less expensive than the average price of gynecomastia treatment in other parts of the country. Cost estimates also vary based on:

  • Your surgeon’s experience and level of expertise
  • Surgical fees, such as expenses for anesthesia, the surgical facility, lab tests, etc. 
  • The unique details of your treatment plan

After you’re evaluated by Dr. Garlick, our office would be happy to provide you with a personalized quote. We can also speak with you about plastic surgery financing options for qualified patients who would rather pay for male breast reduction in smaller, more manageable installments.

Male breast reduction can help you regain the confidence and positive self-image that may be diminished by gynecomastia. Please contact our practice to schedule your consultation with Dr. Garlick or to learn more about our services. 

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