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Breast Surgery

Breast surgery can be a powerful way to redefine the breast contours by enhancing the size, shape, positioning, symmetry, and cleavage of the bust according to your desires. These procedures can be customized to reverse changes brought on by aging and pregnancy, to provide you with a more proportional breast shape, or to simply achieve a more feminine silhouette. Fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Jared Garlick, MD incorporates many techniques to reinforce support for the breasts and maximize the long-term outcome of surgery, making him uniquely qualified to perform breast enhancement.

Keep reading below to learn about the many breast procedures offered at our practice and don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule a consultation.

“What an amazing and experience! Dr. Garlick and his team at The Plastics Clinic are hands down the best choice to trust with your life changing procedure. Book your consultation with Dr. Garlick today! You’ll wish you did it sooner!”

Mica G.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an immensely popular surgery designed to enhance the volume, fullness, and symmetry of the breasts using implants. This can allow a better fit in clothing and swimsuits while generally uplifting the confidence of patients who seek out the procedure. Dr. Garlick offers a wide array of silicone and saline implant options to help you attain the look you desire. He can also utilize Custom Cleavage, a tailored approach using fat transfer and other cutting-edge techniques during breast augmentation to create custom cleavage lines and elegantly redefine the breast contours.

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Breast Lift

Breast ptosis, or the drooping and sagging of breast tissue, can begin as early as your twenties depending on your genetics and skin elasticity. Mastopexy, more commonly known as breast lift surgery, is designed to address breast sag and lift the breasts to a higher position on the chest wall, reclaiming a more youthful and “perky” aesthetic. Dr. Garlick incorporates the GalaFLEX® Scaffold “internal bra” into breast lift surgery to provide additional support for the lower breasts and reestablish the breast fold, thereby reducing the chances of recurrent breast sag in the future.

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Breast Revision

Whether you would like to upgrade to a newer type of implant, exchange your implants for a different size, or resolve a complication, breast revision can be a highly effective surgery to improve the original outcome of your breast augmentation. Like most secondary procedures, breast revision is a complex surgery that should only be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Garlick is extremely well-versed in the latest breast revision techniques and performs the procedure to resolve many common issues, including visible implant edges (rippling), capsular contracture, and implant rupture.

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Breast Reduction

If back and shoulder pain, skin irritation, or other symptoms of an excessive breast size are stopping you from living life to the fullest, breast reduction can be a very transformative procedure to attain a lighter, more comfortable breast size. This surgery is performed to remove excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue, reshaping the breasts and allowing them to appear more proportionately with your body frame. After breast reduction surgery, patients are typically able to exercise more comfortably and often lead healthier, more active lifestyles as a result.

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Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by overdeveloped or visible male breast tissue. Although gynecomastia is extremely common, enlarged breasts in men often cause feelings of insecurity, embarrassment, and psychological distress. Fortunately, Dr. Garlick can restore the flat contours of the chest with male breast reduction — a procedure designed to remove excess tissue and achieve a more masculine look. Dr. Garlick’s meticulous and discreet placement of incisions can allow any evidence of surgery to be virtually undetectable.

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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

If your goals include achieving a mild increase in breast fullness or softer contours in general, fat transfer can provide a unique approach to breast enhancement. By using liposuction to transfer excess fat into your breasts, Dr. Garlick can help correct rippling and/or subtly enhance breast volume. Combining fat transfer with implant placement may also provide beautiful results, and Dr. Garlick can advise you on the best approach to address your concerns.

Breast Lift with Implants

A breast lift with implants, also known as augmentation-mastopexy, is designed to enhance the shape, volume, and positioning of the breasts during a combined procedure. This treatment option can be particularly beneficial for women who experience sagging or drooping breasts along with a desire for a larger breast size.

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